We have a tropical depression throwing us rain today too, very welcomed rainy day!
Also another update from the AbbyXTigger litter. Elliot was RWD both days in MN at his first weekend out. More updates soon!
Adventures in Cardigans, life, herding and whatever else we can get into!
Wow what a busy weekend. Lots of lessons and I'm exhausted! I'm ready to go back to work for some rest! It was nice to spend some time with the dogs this weekend. Also saw a really big bear this weekend! Not really common but not rare either.
Dogs and a toy
More toy play
Lastly, Dory and Bolt showed again today. Dory was RWB and made a solid run for WB. Bolt was again WD/BOW for another pt and he is now up to 6pts! Yeah puppies:-))