Dogs at Lake Dora

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And we are off!

Well when we are the computer won't still be out:-)) Couple pics before I leave to test the camera I'm taking, its new to me so want to make sure it works ok.

March flowers, climbing rose, redbud and loropetalum.

My little guy wondering why I won't let him follow me everywhere. He knows theres something fishy going on... Poor guy, I'll miss him lots!


  1. You and Beli do have a special bond! I know he'll miss you. Looking forward to photos of pretty Miss Patsy!

  2. I'm betting Beli won't be amused when you bring home a long-legged puppy :) Have a safe and fun trip.

  3. Yeah Beli was pretty mad when I made him go back in the house! He'll enjoy one last trip to the Nationals this year. He doesn't mind puppies so much unless they too much kissyness, otherwise he gets along with most everyone:-))
