Today I said goodbye to the greatest dog I've had the pleasure to be owned by. Beli was my first Cardigan and was my right hand man; the only constant in a life full of changes. We were always on the same page and we lead each other down great paths to wonderful adventures. He was a joy to share the last 14 years with; always the comedian. He loved being the center of everyone's attention but mostly mine. He taught me many, oh so many lessons in life, herding and Cardigans. He showed me the best a dog could be but also how bad young dogs can be:-)) Several years ago I did a blog post called Six words, I don't remember now what I put for him but how do you surmise 14 yrs of wonder with 6 words? Beli- Strong, fighter, heart, brave, funny life. He was strong until the very end, never backed down from a fight, had enough heart for many dogs (large and small) but also had my heart, went to battle even when it didn't look good for us, and had a great sense of humor. I will never forget all the times we shared and I can only hope to be blessed with a dog who touches my life in a similar way again some day. He changed the course of my life where would I be without having been owned by Beli? Who knows but I don't even want to think about it. I'm so happy and blessed to have been owned by such a dog even once in my life! Goodbye my dear Beli I will love you always, until we meet again.
DC Cornerstone's My Dear Beli HXAsd HXBs HRDIII-s HTDIII-d
January 14, 1998- April 27, 2012